
Friday, January 21, 2011


OMG!!! Finally I'm done with progress report nightmare. It was really annoying, trying to submit my progress report. They introduce new online system to submit the report. Sadly, they didn't test the system thoroughly. Imagine, sending a research progress without all the symbol. I have to type "degree celcius" "inch" "equal or less than"...really, I hate how my report turn out.

First time I saw my supervisor evaluation for my work. They used rank system, 1 - 6, where 6 is the highest rank, in other word, excellent.

Out of 7, I only managed to get five '6's. The other two, which are 'attendance' and 'quality of work' are '5'. I admit I'm a lil disappointed, but heck, it's my fault actually since I'm lazy and place the wrong order and stuff. Now, I'm determined to get all '6' for the next evaluation.

Progress report nightmare over, time to indulge myself with makeup. I have tonnes of thing to do, I want to do swatch picture, write review and DIY, testing out product and stuff. I can't wait for weekend!


miss syukur said...

good luck liyana!

Pepper said...

Thanks akak ^_^

Lady Flower said...

Good luck ;)

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xoxo ;*

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